Tuesday 4 December 2018

The above video is aimed at getting your mind ticking on self-inventory and who you truly are. Then, we take a look at the following question: 

Is Your Career Beautiful? 

As we approach the 'turn-of-the-year', why not take a moment to inspire your career planning, objective self-assessment and once-a-year 'look under the hood' of your work/life balance, with a read of my latest Career Dovetail Newsletter. 

'Is Your Career Beautiful?' is an evangelical 'essay' on the ups-and-downs of zeroing-in to that vitality giving sweet-spot that can lead us to discovering a truly meaningful working life. Plus all of the benefits that go with it. 

So with a New Year fast-approaching, why not take a look and please do share with your networks and friend circles if you feel you uncover useful tips. 

[Image credit - © XL Records, album cover 'Bravest Man In The Universe', Womack, Russell, Albarn.]

Click following link for newsletter 'essay': https://mailchi.mp/3fa415d8d5ff/your-turn-of-the-yearcareer-dovetail-newsletter

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Career Dovetail Autumn 2018 Newsletter: The Power of Your Intention, Prizes & The Mechanics of Love!

This month's newsletter informs readers about the seasonal trends we need to be aware of if we are to manage our careers effectively and be one step ahead of the rush for jobs and work as we spring towards the year's busiest periods in the rush towards Christmas and the New Year. Plus, I talk about thought-provoking ideas on loving your work, recognising patterns when developing career strategy and news that I am offering free workshop places in my new career strategy and self-marketing programme targetting specific groups in the labour market: women-returners, fresh graduates entering the World of Work for the first time and newly-redundant workers facing the ordeal of career transition and reinventing themselves. Career Dovetail Autumn 2018 Newsletter: The Power of Your Intention, Prizes & The Mechanics of Love!

Friday 25 May 2018

Read about Duncan's Eureka Moment, Recognising Patterns in Your Career Data & The 'GDPR'!

Happy Bank Holiday weekend to ALL of my connections. It gives me great pleasure to provide you with my first Career Dovetail newsletter for more than 3 years. Believe me, it's been one hell of a journey to get here. I have strived to making its reading worth your while. In it there are the highest of highs, lowest of lows and who knows where this journey in words of my life will take us. Why not read and find out, eh? Should my story strike a chord, please do ensure to share it for me, please. Your Career Dovetail Newsletter.